Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Magic of the Cup

Glad to see the weather is a bit warmer as
our brave lads make their way Up T'North
to face the dirty Leeds. Good thing that H
managed to buy all those players who were
Took part in The Spurs Show last night which
was good fun, you can catch it on:;
I think that we should win tonight, but that it
might be a close run thing, which will depend
on how H manages to gee the lads up...Let's
hope it does not go to penalties!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rob, really enjoyed your guesting on the Spurs Show. I love listening to you guys talk of the players of old. Saw your dad a few times in his last season, which was my first. My dad really rated him and still talks about him with much affection.
    It's my dad's 80th birthday in September and your book is on the list of pressies.
    Cheers mate.
